Good Health....Therapeutic Play.....Changing Perspectives....Creating Change

Good Health..Therapeutic Play..Changing Perspectives..Creating Change..Good Nutrition..Early Literacy..Well Children..Achievement

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Long Overdue Update!

I have been wanting to get this update out for so long. My dad passed away the day before Thanksgiving and then the holiday season just swallowed us whole with all the boys' activities. Now I am working very hard to finish everything for the conference including - yes - my book which has taken way longer than it should have. I know the information in the book is important, but my boys wont wait - so I've been doing my best fitting it in - but the time has come, it will be available, soon.

I don't even know where to begin with my thoughts on palatal expansion - I guess the best place is with a photo, or 2...
Before                                                                                        After
Physically, there is a much bigger space between his front two teeth (and it showcases nicely just how badly he had damaged his teeth before we addressed the grinding!) But the amazing difference to me was the overall shape of his mouth and face. If you look at his back teeth (the ones covered by the expander) look at how far in toward midline they were on the before picture, they were almost pointed inward. Looking at the "before" photo you can see how much space he had on the roof of his mouth - definitely less than the width of his tongue.

The "after" photo shows all of the teeth in alignment and in an outward position. To see Lucas in person you notice immediately when he smiles that it appears that he has a ton of teeth, his cheeks and maxillary area appear different as well.

In the following picture, you can't see the actual palate, but you can see the overall width of his mouth. The silver brace that extends down to the teeth sits off the roof of the mouth - definitely enough room for his tongue now!

I now know for certain the "large tongue" phenomenon is not true, our kids have very small mouths for a normal sized tongue to fit in giving the appearance of an enlarged tongue.

Aside from the physical, the changes have been dramatic and some of them coming as quickly as two weeks after we had begun expansion.

1. Sleep - Hands down the biggest change we saw within the first two weeks. Lucas slept through the night, breathed only through his nose, and had no episodes of waking. Sleep apnea is one of the biggest areas our kids can have difficulty with and to remedy, our physicians perform surgical procedures to remove tonsils and open sinuses. Sinus infections are a problem, to which many children with T21 are given maintenance antibiotics. In addition, the most exacerbated physical deformity associated with T21 aside from the almond shaped eyes is a diminished middle third of the face.  It stands to reason that enlarging the area and giving the maxillary sinus network proper drainage issues like sleep apnea, noisy breathing, and chronic infection would stop. I can not overemphasize the absolute change in this area.

2. Speech - This one I can honestly say I have no idea if it had anything to do with the expander or not, but it happened simultaneously so I can not rule it out. The first couple of weeks speech remained the same although articulation initially worsened simply due to the appliance in his mouth. After about two weeks we all felt like we were crazy...I'd find myself asking the boys "Was that Lucas?" Singing - keeping time with the song, expressions like "OOOH Mom, I like that!" Asking Questions, answering questions, having a 7-8 turn phone conversation - appropriately. Use of vocabulary (like when he told me his soup was not delicious!), volume of speech, yelling, naming the days of the week upon request, telling me it is "12:15 o'clock" when it indeed was 12:15 O'clock! Despite all of this the BIGGEST change is reading and he'll do it out loud. I know the preferred method of reading is silent, but let's face it, he is going to have to demonstrate the ability to read...and he is.

3. Health - As I had mentioned, the month leading up to Christmas was crazy. In effort to make everything alright, I did nothing "right." The worst failure was Lucas's diet leading up to Christmas. There were several gatherings where food was out and Lucas helped himself to things he probably hasn't ever eaten. Cookies (gluten, dairy, sugar, dyes), crackers, etc. We got all the way to December 23rd and guess who got sick? (Don't anyone ever dare tell me there is no proof that eliminating those things have no bearing on health.) After a miserable Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (goopy nose, sneezing, etc) I held my breath we would not have a respiratory issue. Indeed before we began this path, it would always go from a head cold to his respiratory tract. After two days, something astonishing happened, Lucas got better. He actually for the first time in his life figured out how to blow his nose, and did so. By the day after Christmas, he was ready for action (and of course I was getting sick!) I believe the improved ability for the maxillary sinuses to properly drain directly affected not only the length of illness, but it eliminated the opportunity for the infection to manifest in the respiratory tract.

4. Growth - all of the studies suggest there will be a growth surge within 6 months of expanding. I am being very disciplined about not measuring him everyday! Will let you know how that goes.

I am sure there are a ton of other little things that I am not even thinking of right now, but those were the biggies. Lucas gets his expander off at the end of January and I couldn't be more thrilled with the outcomes.
How I adore this little boy!!!


  1. I'm truly sorry to hear about your father's passing Geralyn.

    This is absolutely fascinating information. Thank you so much for your update!

    Warm regards,


  2. My have you had a challenging few months Geralyn!

    I'm so sorry for the recent loss of your your father. I'm sure that - in his/your way - he's still very palpably guiding you through this amazing journey.

    So pleased to see your beautiful boy's face looking so - well - beautiful! I'm really glad it is all working out so well with the expander & I very much look forward to future updates!

    Would dearly love to come on the cruise and meet you, but the timing is just not right for us. I hope they're recording all the speeches! Still, I wish you luck in finishing your book and kudos to you for putting your boys first!

    May this coming year bring you more of the wonderful stuff!


  3. Genevieve,
    Thank you for your kind words.I would love to meet you as well. Our paths will cross someday - and I am sure all of the information will be made available!

  4. How is his growth? Do you have access to any scholarly articles regarding the use of expanders with children with T21. I love the idea of the improved speech and sinus issues. My little guy is only 1 but if it helps this much I think the sooner the better.

  5. I'm am sorry for the lost of your father. Both my parents passed 4 and 4 1/2 years ago.
    I still miss them so much.

    Where can i get more information on teeth grinding and the expander.

    Mary Sucher

  6. Did a dentist or orthodontist do the palatial expansion? Can I ask where you live or are located? I'm a speech pathologist and lactation consultant and 75% of my caseload is infants to 3 year olds with T21.
