Good Health....Therapeutic Play.....Changing Perspectives....Creating Change

Good Health..Therapeutic Play..Changing Perspectives..Creating Change..Good Nutrition..Early Literacy..Well Children..Achievement

Thursday, November 8, 2012

More Studies to Share with Prospective Physicians

Wow, I shouldn't be amazed at how a small thought snowballs into ideas and how the internet brings reality to your door in minutes!

A wonderful mom I have met through my blog shared these studies with me from Portugal. If you look through, many are in English and all are pdf. It seems "Rapid Maxillary Expansion" in children with Down Syndrome has been statistically proven to improve sleep, speech, eliminate sinus infections, ear infections, etc.

Many of these studies were published in journals of amazing this simple process of a maxillary expander might hold the key to the most common issues our children have without surgery.

I know I just posted the 15 day picture..I can't do it again until 30 days, but the changes are daily, noticeable and very, very good!

Thank You Ana for the information!!

1 comment:

  1. Have you come across a good age to start this? Or just as young as they can cooperate during the process of setting the mold? Very exciting!
