Good Health....Therapeutic Play.....Changing Perspectives....Creating Change

Good Health..Therapeutic Play..Changing Perspectives..Creating Change..Good Nutrition..Early Literacy..Well Children..Achievement

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

3 Inches of Height in 2 Months, to What do I Owe the Results?

Happy Halloween!

 Anyone who is part of my Facebook group will recognize these photos, they were worth re-sharing here, I just love them so much!


 Lucas has been working very hard on ice skating! He starts formal lessons December 5th, but already I have been faced with "Mom, I play hockey too?"

Of course Lucas, because having only two children in travel hockey leaves Mommy and Daddy with way too much free time on their hands.

This is Lucas post skate.

If he looks like a hockey player and smells like a hockey player......

Although Lucas's overall health has been exceptional (yes another calendar year without illness of any kind - brings the tally to 4.5 years!) and his learning incredible, I have been stymied by the question of growth.

It never made sense to me that short stature was "just Down Syndrome." Maybe, but why? Everything I had read pointed to one of three things was at the heart of the issue - Thyroid, Disgestive system function, and nutrition.

For over two years his thyroid has been very stable (all measures including thyroid antibodies). Today at the biomed she even commented that we don't want it too low, his TSH was well under 1.0.

I can honestly say in Lucas's 6 years of life he has never had an issue of a gastrointestinal nature. Most likely a combination of his diet and supplements, his digestion process is excellent.

And as far as nutrition, I should be so lucky to have the willpower to eat as cleanly and properly as Lucas. (This includes monthly bloods, analysis, and supplements).

So then why was growth still lagging?

At our August visit to the biomed, she recommended we look at Human Growth hormone levels (Which surprisingly came back WNL's) as well as optimize methylation. (

For those wanting information about the processes of methylation I would direct you to Andi Durkin's blog, DS Daytoday - it is a virtual encyclopedia of explanations and simplifications! She also has full bibliographies for further research.

Prior to today's visit I was alerted to an incredible Doctor out of Oregon who posted this article in The Down Syndrome Treatment Center of Oregon group:

Global DNA Methylation: Nutritional Correlates and Child Growth.
click "download" for full dissertation

It wasn't news to me that hypomethylation was a huge problem in children with T21, but I didn't ever realize the direct correlation to growth - so I thought this information worth sharing.

In August, in addition to all of the methylation boosting we were already doing, we changed 2 things:

1. We replaced sublingual methylcobolamin with B12 injections 2x/week (Not sure who loves this more, Lucas or I)
2. We switched to MSB methyl plus from MSBv7.

Today, 2 months and 5 days after our August visit?

3 Inches of Linear Growth!
 I did see the clothes getting shorter, but there is a certain quality to this growth spurt. Lucas's hands and feet looked not only bigger, but more mature (if that makes any sense).

His running is solid and in fact he now runs a 13 minute 15 sec. mile. If anyone would like to be his new running partner let me know! :)
 He loves to ice skate and is able to do so without the pusher for short distances..ankles strong, no pronation.

His body feels solid, his thighs and arms feel muscular, and he flies down the 18' of brachiation bars with only minimal support.

This also has come at a time of most impressive intellectual change from maturity, to sentence structure, to academics (who knew Home schooling would be my very

favorite thing in the whole world? Wish I had a do-over with my other boys...their school is wonderful, but this journey with Lucas makes me miss not having it with them!)


Lucas and Ryan working on their individual dioramas
Lucas's Finished Product
And summary!

Not sure if this means Lucas is a genius or a smart ass. Most likely a little of both.

I wish everyone a Happy Halloween as we creatively try to keep the sugar and dyes away from the kiddos!


  1. Wow Geralyn, that's quite a striking growth spurt! I have some questions. What is 'WNLs' (pardon my ignorance)? Are you giving Lucas folinic acid or 5MTHF as well - according to CFD protocol? What dosage for the B12 injections are you giving (we have them too - 20IU per shot for a 2 year old - but I haven't started yet). Are you injecting in the thigh or buttock? I wonder if creatine has something to do with the muscular improvements too (in the new MSB formula). Congratulations - you are doing a stellar job and thanks so much for sharing on the blog!

  2. Oh Geralyn, I forgot to ask. Is Lucas on any thyroid medication? Sorry to ask so many questions, but there's no search box on your blog (that I can find) so having trouble finding out for myself. I feel this is important information in context with what you have just written. Many thanks.

  3. Hi Genevieve,

    WNL is within normal limits. Lucas takes folinic as 5MTHF did not agree with him. I inject the lateral buttock at a slant, and yes I think creatinie had a lot to do with it!

    Lucas takes Armor Thyroid and has been stable with TSH just around 1.0 (All other measures including antibodies also) in range.

    Sorry it took me so long to get back to you!

  4. Thanks Geralyn - dammit I knew the 'WNL' was something obvious - c'mon brain work!

    The betaine HCL in MSB might also be contributing to Lucas' growth as the boost in stomach acid might be helping him break down foods better (though I have frequently read that it should ideally be taken with pepsin). Here's an article

  5. Do not overexert yourself. If you have a shortness of breathe or become overly fatigued, discontinue these exercises immediately until you are rested enough to continue at your own pace. Read about Exercises to Increase Height and know the correct exercises in increasing your height here:
