Good Health....Therapeutic Play.....Changing Perspectives....Creating Change

Good Health..Therapeutic Play..Changing Perspectives..Creating Change..Good Nutrition..Early Literacy..Well Children..Achievement

Thursday, November 8, 2012

More Studies to Share with Prospective Physicians

Wow, I shouldn't be amazed at how a small thought snowballs into ideas and how the internet brings reality to your door in minutes!

A wonderful mom I have met through my blog shared these studies with me from Portugal. If you look through, many are in English and all are pdf. It seems "Rapid Maxillary Expansion" in children with Down Syndrome has been statistically proven to improve sleep, speech, eliminate sinus infections, ear infections, etc.

Many of these studies were published in journals of amazing this simple process of a maxillary expander might hold the key to the most common issues our children have without surgery.

I know I just posted the 15 day picture..I can't do it again until 30 days, but the changes are daily, noticeable and very, very good!

Thank You Ana for the information!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Link to Dr. Weston Price's Study

I thought I had shared the link with you before, but so many people have asked me for it perhaps not. Here is the Link to Dr. Weston Price's study. Incredible read from beginning, but you need to scroll down to find the study of the young man with T21.

Here's the incredible part - at age 16 several inches in linear growth after expansion and many measurable IQ points. The visual however, is downright startling.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Expanded Update!

Just wanted to update everyone on Lucas's adventure into orthodontia.

As I had written, I found a "holistic" orthodontist of sorts to hear me out on the whole palate expander issue. The more I researched the implications of a small mouth on the pituitary gland function the more convinced I was that It held the key for many of our kids who typically have small mouths. Add to that the sleep apnea which - even children who have surgeries still seem to have have - I was on a mission.

Fifteen days ago Lucas got his expander. He was so good about making the mold for it - the Dr. let me do it - no fuss, I put that huge tray full of goop in his mouth to make a mold - and it was perfect. The expander is cemented to his teeth so there is only the thin bars across the top which is great because it hasn't really affected his speech - which is exploding!

Anyway, big man lays right down on my lap, lets me put the key in his mouth and turn it - every night, he's amazing. He is also extremely good about brushing and water-piking. As I said, we are 15 days into it, we halfway finished, we turn a total of 30 times.

Let me first say, the change in facial appearance is stunning. Only half way into it, his nose looks bigger, his cheeks look more developed and that "smallness" seems to be vanishing. Aside from that there are AMAZING changes in sleep. Only nose breathes, does not wake up in the middle of the night, sleeps straight through until 6:30 / 7:00am. Truly, truly, incredibly different. I do believe the extra width through the maxillary structures are allowing for better sleep. His speech is also incredible, answering questions, asking them, and reading...everything...out loud, amazing.

We just had pictures taken two days ago (I wanted a nice set before the full set of turns gives him jack-o-lantern teeth!), I can't stop looking at them, this one in particular is incredible (beautiful of course, but noticeably different structure -wise.)

Can't wait for the next 15 days. Changes are incredible!