Good Health....Therapeutic Play.....Changing Perspectives....Creating Change

Good Health..Therapeutic Play..Changing Perspectives..Creating Change..Good Nutrition..Early Literacy..Well Children..Achievement

Thursday, September 1, 2011

School is Starting (Along with cold and flu season)

Tomorrow is a very exciting day, Lucas has his preschool conference with his teacher and gets to see his room so he's already to start on Tuesday. Noah and Ryan, although they will tell you they are not, can't wait to go back and see everyone they have been missing through the summer. You know - telling stories, hi-fiving, sharing pencils, hanging out in the locker rooms, around the drinking fountain - yeah, you know where I am going with this! There's a reason tissues and antibacterial wipes are on the school supply lists.

Last year was our first full year following our anti-illness plan with stellar results. All the boys made it through unscathed - including Lucas. (Ironically I was the only one who got really sick right around Christmas time - it was fabulous.) Although I am certainly not in a position to recommend any course of treatment, I found that providing the whole family with increased vitamin D, good probiotics, elderberries (powerful antivirals - I boil them down in a touch of water and stir them into yogurt!), natural multivitamins, bioplasm cell salts and krill oil kept the boys on track.

The other component to our strategy was monthly visits to our pediatric chiropractor. A few energy releases later and the kids were clearing any congestion that may have been present. My oldest son woke up with a pretty bad ear infection in January, after seeing our chiropractor the first day he couldn't believe how pain-free he was in the car on the way home. That night he slept soundly, and that was the end of it.

The real evidence for me was the boys bringing it up today - "Hey mom, when are we going to start our plan?" We have all set the goal for a second consecutive year with no illness. None of the boys have been on antibiotics for years, I can't even remember when.

I even practice the old wives tales, I figure if chicken soup helps a cold, perhaps it can help prevent one. Our family eats a variety of organic soups 4-5 days of the week in the winter - mostly because I can make it early in the morning and it's ready whenever someone needs to eat around homework, sports, and meetings. I have become very crafty at adding nutritionally dense ingredients with little resistance from the kiddies - mostly because they have no idea!

My question for you is what strategies do you employ? What "resolutions" do you have for this new school year, and what is your action plan?

I can't wait to hit the ground running - it's going to be a good year!

1 comment:

  1. Man, you are inspiring. Today at the grocery store I was actually thinking of what kinds of soups I can start making since it's getting chilly. BTW, what are "energy releases" to get rid of congestion? Is it an exercise?
