Good Health....Therapeutic Play.....Changing Perspectives....Creating Change

Good Health..Therapeutic Play..Changing Perspectives..Creating Change..Good Nutrition..Early Literacy..Well Children..Achievement

Friday, September 30, 2011

National Down Syndrome Awareness Month - Eve

I have been working on some projects for October, National Down Syndrome Awareness Month. I have become engrossed as of late in the history of "Down Syndrome" and far we have not come. Despite our knowledge of the extra chromosome and what it can mean, despite deinstitutionalization and integration, despite discussion of "tolerance" and "acceptance," I have found a time machine of sorts.  Dr. Langdon Down's very first published position paper to the governing medical body. 

In it, he writes that it is his belief that every class of idiot can be directly linked to an ethnic group based on their physical appearances. He notes the "Ethiopians" and "Malaysians," but reserves his medical brilliance for the group of idiots - the largest group - of Mongoloids. He describes their ability to mimic, their demeanors to be pleasant, and their skills to improve when worked on. He describes their common deficits (and relates them back to an ethnic group that clearly was not thought well of at the turn of the twentieth century).

As we enter October we will be swathed in pink because it is also Breast Cancer Awareness Month which celebrates another group of people who were discriminated against and thought to be mentally "substandard;" women. The difference is that we rose up, demanded equality and fought for it. Who will do this for our children? Who will demand equality and changing mindsets for a group of children many hope do not exist in the future?

And forgive me, those of us who rally around the "special needs" events of this month; the awareness walks - that only members of our community will attend, the special events for special people that give us so much comfort and security, and the support networks that seek to create and provide more special options designed to keep our kids special for life, what are we doing?

Why are we not inviting physicians and medical practices to lectures and seminars on things we know to improve health and development in our children? Where are the articles and blogs demanding equality for our children? Is it enough that our children be "tolerated," or "included?" 

We've not psychologically moved beyond the doors of the Asylum for Idiots. Are we so grateful that our children are tolerated and accepted that we fear opening our mouths? That we fear being wrong so as to not stand up and fight for our children's rights? 

There is outrage across the country of young people being bullied to the point of taking their own lives, and rightly so, but is the bigotry and vitriol aimed at a group of children who dare enter this world not a reason to stand up as well? 

I have copied Dr. Langdon's Groundbreaking first medical paper for you to read, it isn't that long. As you are reading the very words he chooses and the obvious prejudices of the day he references, ask yourself are things ANY different today? Do people think ANY differently today? If they did, there would be 92% more people born with Trisomy 21 every year. 

Make this awareness month count.

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