Good Health....Therapeutic Play.....Changing Perspectives....Creating Change

Good Health..Therapeutic Play..Changing Perspectives..Creating Change..Good Nutrition..Early Literacy..Well Children..Achievement

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Lucas and His Inventors

I just wanted to share a short video. Lucas started a new knowledge program, inventors, 4 days ago in earnest. Today he readily identifies them, reads their names and inventions well enough to match them without any verbal prompts, and as you can see in the video, he is very aware when one is not asked and who exactly it is!

There are so many hopes being raised by the new cognitive enhancing drug trials, and I truly hope they may provide benefit to those who choose to use them. I believe that given what we know about poor dendritic formation (and neuronal death), the atrophied (or dystrophied) appearance of the hippocampus, and phenotypical symptomology of poor memory, difficulty learning, and poor generalization of skills is true, and it develops over time...from birth.

If a child has developed cognitively, without intervention, until 8 or 9 years of age - I simply do not know how a medication can undo what has been done, how a drug can re-develop neurogenesis. I can fathom future potential being affected, but what about the foundational skills that have all been formed atypically?

I know it is very simplistic, but we have been doing "storage-retrieval-generalization" activities daily with Lucas since he was an infant. That combined with proper antioxidants and neurologically supportive..natural supplements have brought us to this point in time, which is all I am able to talk about.

At age four, I see Lucas's ability to learn brand new concepts, remember, and generalize them, becoming quicker, more efficient and more accurate. He remembers minute details, is able to read names and new words after 1-2 exposures. For this I have no explanation other than what the Institutes have been saying for decades.

The brain grows by use. The higher the frequency, intensity and duration, the better the results.

I can not say for certain exactly what factors have come together for Lucas to learn at this rate, but I can say for sure that the medical community who dismisses our efforts as futile and takes the position that "Lucas may have developed that way regardless" are blinded by their own agendas. If we had lowered our expectations for Lucas and submerged him in environments which accept certain limitations as fact, he most certainly would not be able to do what he does today ..or has the potential to do tomorrow.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I completely agree with you. I didn't have my son in ND program, but I followed the Early Intervention Program as much as I could and read a books to support my son's development until he was close to 3 years old. Unfortunately, he got very ill by the beginning of this year and had to be hospitalized for 13 days which caused a huge regression. It has been hard for me watching how he has lost many skills. All the circuits and connections I worked so hard were some how interrupted. So I am starting over, but this time I am looking for help. I found a ND program in my area, but I haven't heard about it before. I am waiting for a informative package.

    I also think that supporting our kids with natural/organic supplements is important for keeping them healthy. We make sure Tommy's is eating a balance diet, but we didn't use supplements before my son turned three because he didn't have major health issues, no common colds, good growth pace. Our former pediatrician many times told us he was very healthy and he was just getting sick as typical child (this is unusual). During the time my son was hospitalized, I began searching for information about nutrients and supplement and I am convinced that creating a nutritional balance it is crucial for our kids. So I am going to give it a try to the vitamin therapy. I am also deciding what multivitamin to use with my son, Nutrichem or Nutrivene-D.

    I think if I would be working with a ND program and the vitamin therapy my son's regression wouldn't be so huge. I knew about these before my son was born, but I decided to wait. Please keep spreading the word of how you have worked with Lucas. I think you found the action plan that works for our kids.

  3. You did exactly what was right for you and your son, clearly he did not need the added support prior to his illness. I've mentioned in previous posts how frustrating it was right after Lucas's 1st birthday he had 5 Upper respiratory illnesses in one year. Some of them requiring breathing treatments at the hospital. We all reach the point where "this is expected in kids with Down Syndrome" is just a tired old way of saying "we don't have any answers." We as mothers and fathers will find the answers! Congratulations on your new journey to wellness!

  4. Wonderful job Lucas! I ordered the Inventors set, along with a few others towards the end of August when they were on sale. Seeing Lucas makes me excited to get started!
