Good Health....Therapeutic Play.....Changing Perspectives....Creating Change

Good Health..Therapeutic Play..Changing Perspectives..Creating Change..Good Nutrition..Early Literacy..Well Children..Achievement

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Naturopathy / Orthomolecular Medicine

If you have followed my blog in the past you know that our path was really defined by a brilliant doctor we were fortunate enough to find, Dr. Mary. She was a developmental pediatrician who almost lost her life to an illness many years ago and healed herself naturally. Because of this, she redefined the way she approached her patients - metabolic balance, natural supplementation and diet instead of chronic illness, herbal and antioxidant supplementation for neurological health and optimal development are a few of the things Dr. Mary taught us. Ironically, insurance wont reimburse a dime for her "alternative treatment" but has no problem paying for maintenance antibiotic therapy, hospitalizations, and conventional treatments that lead to conventional results, but that is another topic for another day.

Today I am devastated because our physician has become very ill with the very problem that almost took her life, so ill in fact that she is considering closing her practice. First and foremost I am deeply concerned for a woman who has spent her life finding ways - real ways - to help our children be well, and pray she finds healing herself. There are many we've met in our journey but none with the true compassion and dedication of Dr. Mary.

I need to find a way to learn and continue our journey until Dr. Mary becomes well. I've learned so much in the past few years, but can't bank my son's future on what I might not know. Finding a naturopath is easy enough, but finding one who is deeply aware of the metabolic differences and consequences of gene mutations of children with T21 is another story. There are many physicians who practice orthomolecular medicine and do work with our kids, but they are usually located elsewhere, have a waiting list, and certainly do not offer the amazing relationship I have with Dr. Mary. I would come across a piece of research, forward it to her, and before I knew it she was calling me or e-mailing me with ideas of how it fit within Lucas's plan. I know, I am asking for a lot.

I need some information fast. First, from my brilliant friends who are finding their way on this path naturally, what types of professionals, if any, are helping you? Does anyone have any experience with an orthomolecular physician? If you are doing blood studies are you asking for scripts or are your practitioners guiding the process?

I am going to begin learning all the things I can based on what I know about Lucas but I can't possibly know every gene mutation and it's metabolic consequence. For the first time since Lucas's birth I am a little fearful, and need information.

Any ideas, suggestions, or experiences would help

1 comment:

  1. Hey Geralyn,
    That's a tall order, but I know there are professionals out there who can help our children. I just posted a very similar request on several forums and have been gathering names from around the country. I will inquire more particularly in your area, especially for an orthomolecular physician, which I haven't heard of before. But do keep in mind--you are an intelligent and capable mom--Lucas is in good hands. I don't think there is someone who knows and fully understands every gene mutation and its metabolic consequence!! Nonetheless, Lucas is thriving.
