Good Health....Therapeutic Play.....Changing Perspectives....Creating Change

Good Health..Therapeutic Play..Changing Perspectives..Creating Change..Good Nutrition..Early Literacy..Well Children..Achievement

Friday, August 5, 2011

DNA and Genetics

I have always been fascinated by theories of epigenetics and DNA malleability. In part it is the reason I feel our natural approaches such as metabolic supplementation, IAHP programs like passive / sensory patterning, and determination to involve our children with "typical" experiences are more than just "interventions," they actually have real impact on DNA and genetic expression itself.

The following article, although a bit lengthy and dry, points out many things to consider when "treating" our kids. 90% of our DNA (and related material) goes unused as "junk." We rely on 10% at best and when Western Medicine studies DNA and gene expressions, they look at it through a physical lens. Things like gene removal and splicing are what our part of the world sees as future hope. Yet Eastern medicine's approach of things like meditation, positive affirmations, environmental manipulations, etc., are being proven to actually change the DNA without ever lifting a lazer.

We all know the challenges people with T21 face are all rooted in chromosomal and gene mutations, and previously assumed "hardwired" DNA. Yet we have all witnessed the most conclusive research study ever result in clear evidence, namely deinstitutionalization. Prior to the closing of institutions, things like self injurious behavior, self stimulation, profound levels of cognitive loss, and complete lack of ability to care for one's self were assumed to be "givens" because of the extra chromosome and it's influence on ability.

When I went to the Institutes, I was impressed by the fact that neurologically speaking, a hard night of drinking could result in a brain cell loss of about 10,000 cells, (college comes back to haunt!) whereas a stroke or major head injury could result in millions. On the surface, this is shocking, but when you consider the brain has billions and billions of cells and the amazing plastic ability to pick up the slack of lost cells, our approach makes sense from a neurological point of view.  How much more important for our children - above all others - whose injuries are a result of their very DNA, to take this approach to their very genetics.

Things like raised expectations, changing mindsets and speech from "special" and "delayed," and offering typical environments and opportunities to learn has the potential to affect many things, their genetics being first and foremost.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Geralyn. I love your appetite for this kind of thinking and thank you for passing on this great information. I am more than happy to make the long read. Keep up the great work.
