Good Health....Therapeutic Play.....Changing Perspectives....Creating Change

Good Health..Therapeutic Play..Changing Perspectives..Creating Change..Good Nutrition..Early Literacy..Well Children..Achievement

Friday, June 3, 2011

A Little Video of What We've Been Up To!

I decided to get a little video of Lucas. This is our time to go running so he has a little extra energy than usual, but it still is a nice little clip of what we've been learning. This of course goes against the cardinal rule of teaching very young children - NEVER test, always give the information joyously without asking for it in return, but I think there is some benefit from Lucas seeing what he knows...and of course he will want to watch this over and over again!

Enjoy, and if you have similar videos of giftedness (my new label for what our kids can do!) please share. I am always meeting more parents in our growing revolution and a new acquaintance was asked if she was afraid that her child wouldn't fit in when he went to kindergarten. She politely told the inquisitor that she would have to make sure the school knew how to handle children that were so far ahead of their peers.

That gave me a great idea. We are at the point where I make homemade reading books for Lucas and a small community of parents doing the same all share books because we need about 7 a week. In my endless search for topics, I pulled out Noah's work from third grade and made beautiful books on life cycles, health, etc. Why not teach the third grade curriculum to the school he will be going? Of course Lucas wont actually be in third grade for 5 more years, I call that "ahead."
Click on the link below:

What Lucas has been up to!


  1. *sigh* if you lived closer I'd bring my sweet girl over to play... and learn - LOL!

    Amazing job, Lucas!

  2. PS - I shared your video link with everyone in my network of families with kids who have T21. I want people to KNOW what our kids can do and start making a difference with and for their own children.
