I have gotten many e-mails stating the link to the oral motor article could not be opened. I found it in PDF format. Try copying and pasting this whole link to your search.
www.talktools.net/.../The%20Oral- Motor%20Myths%20of%20Down%20syndrome.pdf
A place where achievement, expectations and dreams for babies and children with Down Syndrome thrive! This blog was started by an Occupational Therapist and mother of a 3 year old boy with Down Syndrome (hereafter referred to as T21), who refused to believe the stereotypes and set out to form her own action plan. Armed with a Master's degree in Occupational therapy she set out with an insatiable desire to redefine the reality of what it meant to receive a diagnosis of T21 today.
Good Health....Therapeutic Play.....Changing Perspectives....Creating Change
Good Health..Therapeutic Play..Changing Perspectives..Creating Change..Good Nutrition..Early Literacy..Well Children..Achievement
Here is the link that worked for me. I think this is the same article? http://www.talktools.com/content/The+Oral-Motor+Myths+of+Down+syndrome.pdf