Enough. I have had enough.
I am done with the waterboy with T21 who is strong enough to lug dirty towels, loves the game enough to clean up after others play it, and show up to do his job rain or shine, be "given" the opportunity to run an unopposed play.
And then what? We all sit around applauding the charitable act of the team - which it was - who gave this kid a chance to "fit in" for one play? Are we serious?
OK, so maybe football's a brutal sport that could potentially harm the young man because of physical differences, but then what about the Home coming king bull? I'd love to know if these "charitable" students who are smiling for the cameras in their ball gowns after "charitably" voting for the boy or girl with T21 have invited them to parties when there was no news reporters in sight? Do they sit with them at lunch? Do they have conversations with them about how hard it is to "fit in" in high school with or without an extra chromosome?
Maybe they do, I would never assume to judge.
All I am asking is that you the reader, the community, and the world at large afford people with T21 the same courtesy.
Enough with "awareness." Sorry for the offense for those genuinely believeing it is good, but awareness walks, awareness days at the ball field, awareness shirts, on and on.
Other people are aware that our loved one's exist. They will tell you they think our loved ones are sweet (because aren't they all?) and lovable. What they wont tell you is that they also believe our loved ones are LIMITED!
Put your three year old with T21 in a kindergarten level reading class. I currently know over 300 people across the globe whose child with T21 was a fluent reader before age 3.
Some typical kids struggle with literacy.
Call the news for the child with T21 who runs miles every week and have him explain how it helps him breathe deeper, speak clearer, and learn easier.
Some typical kids struggle with being sedentary and have speech problems.
Talk to a mother who has elected to homeschool her child with T21 because she knows it isn't an inability to learn, but the distraction in the environment that poses a challenge to an immature nervous system. Ask her if she believes she can fix it.
Some typical kids have processing problems.
Don't look at my son as limited until you look at your own and realize all children have strengths and needs.
And also, I have absolutely had enough with the "R" word discussion.
Guess what? I don't care if you use the word, just don't assume it applies to my son.
Assuming something about a child based on how they look isn't insight, it's discrimination.
Finally, I have had enough with people thinking it's compassionate (or in any way their ability) to "allow" a person with T21 a "special" opportunity to experience the joy of living in this world, being accepted, competing, and "fitting in."
It isn't compassionate, it's ignorance. I promise you my son - and MANY others with T21- will not only compete, but they will succeed.
And they wont ask your permission.
A place where achievement, expectations and dreams for babies and children with Down Syndrome thrive! This blog was started by an Occupational Therapist and mother of a 3 year old boy with Down Syndrome (hereafter referred to as T21), who refused to believe the stereotypes and set out to form her own action plan. Armed with a Master's degree in Occupational therapy she set out with an insatiable desire to redefine the reality of what it meant to receive a diagnosis of T21 today.
Good Health....Therapeutic Play.....Changing Perspectives....Creating Change
Good Health..Therapeutic Play..Changing Perspectives..Creating Change..Good Nutrition..Early Literacy..Well Children..Achievement