Good Health....Therapeutic Play.....Changing Perspectives....Creating Change

Good Health..Therapeutic Play..Changing Perspectives..Creating Change..Good Nutrition..Early Literacy..Well Children..Achievement

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

World Down Syndrome Day Isn't about my Child, it's About Yours

3/21 -World Down Syndrome Day.

Today, I am celebrating with my son who reads, writes, is never sick, and happily works a grueling program with me everyday while typical peers achieve the same thing without effort - and in the process can do many things “typical” 5 year olds can not. Our goal is not fitting in with peers, but rather to emerge as a leader. Lucas will join his peers when our work is through, he will sit for entrance exams to private high schools and he will go to college.

Today is not about bringing awareness to my son and finding a way for him to fit in the world. It definitely isn't about the cute little "special" category into which prejudiced people like to fit my son. It isn’t about “tolerance” because society has no right to arrogantly decide they have the choice to “tolerate” my son - or any member of the human race - as if the random chromosomal alignment that shaped my son couldn't just as easily been you or your child.

This day isn’t about my child, it is about yours. Will your children accept Lucas as a peer or look at him as less? Will your children accept his accomplishments as valid, or dismiss them as a fluke? Will your children simply see his almond shaped eyes as part of him like skin color or orientation - or will they use it as a means of segregating him. How will you feel when Lucas sits next to your child at the induction ceremony to National Honor Society? Or asks your daughter to the prom?

It isn’t about “inclusion,” because arrogant school systems who fail children like my son have convinced parents it is their child who can not learn, instead of a system that can not teach.  It isn't about specialists ingrained in the past who call my son "high functioning" when he can do things his typical peers can't. I have never asked the world to see my son as special, or to make special considerations for him, nor will I ever. He is a member of the human race with strengths and weaknesses - the same as your child.

This day is about equality, respect, fairness, and humanity.

You have my word that is how Lucas is being raised to treat your child.