Good Health....Therapeutic Play.....Changing Perspectives....Creating Change

Good Health..Therapeutic Play..Changing Perspectives..Creating Change..Good Nutrition..Early Literacy..Well Children..Achievement

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Must Read Blog Post from Valerie Strohl

Please take a few minutes away from the real change you are creating for your children to read this post. Please pass it on to as many as you can. This is the reality - it is perfectly written and dead on accurate.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Mission Possible

For the first time people from around the world who have rejected conventional treatments, theories, and delay-based models of education and wellness for children with Down Syndrome are coming together. Humbled to have been asked to speak, I join visionaries in the fields of nutrition, biomedical research, naturopathy, and groundbreaking protocols.

I will join parents, neurodevelopmentalists, researchers, physicians, authors, and nutritionists.

For 4 years I have been working to find like-minded people. I have found some in North America, Australia, South America, Europe and South Africa. These groups all have contacts who - up until now - quietly went about their business of making their children well. Our voices are now unified for the first time. We all have our stories and theories, research and protocols, but it all began the same way -

with a gut feeling we were right and everyone else was wrong.

With a determination fueled by love to find a way for our child to accomplish the unheard of, we have found a way to stunning successes. Now it is time to shout our findings loud enough for all to hear and advance our most urgent agenda.

I can't even imagine the outcome of this conference and the next steps that will be born. I think about the parents in the Autism community who gathered their voices and won over critics with proof they could make their children well. I think about the researchers half a decade ago like Dr. Henry Turkell who were discounted by the mainstream as "snake oil salesman." I think about the beautiful lost souls who spent lifetimes in institutions because they were believed hopeless, and I think about the fact that 94% of people in our society do not want a child like mine. 

For all of those people, we are coming together. For all those reasons and many more we will initiate real change. 

Personally, this experience gives me the amazing opportunity to work on keeping my promise to Lucas-

To simply change the world.